Monday, March 21, 2016

Reflection on PE

Now that we are half-way through the semester it is time to review my goals for PE. I will do this by putting down my goals vs what actually happened.

1. Do all the P.E assignments as best as I can.
- I guess I did this, I think that I should have tried harder though. Sometimes I think that I should have spent more time on the material so that I could really perfect the talking.
2. Choose to participate as much as possible in class.
- I kinda forgot about this one, obviously I did whatever part I was asked to do, but sometimes I think that I should try to speak more in class. 

3. Go to Japanese table.
- I was able to do this pretty often. This was pretty easy since I live in Mathey. However, I don't think that I talk enough at the table 

4. Go to office hours at least once a week.
- I did this at the begging but unfortunately did not do this as much as the semester went on. I should try to go office hours every week from now on. 

5. Go to Shibata's office hours at least once every two weeks.
- I did this at the beginning of the year, but as time went on I stopped doing this. I need to start doing this more!

Overall I think that my goals are still the same, but that I need to start trying harder. I need to especially start trying to do better at formulating original sentences on the spot, since that was a major struggle during my oral exam.

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